On Friday morning I woke up with a little crampage. I waved it off as my stomach stretching. I also figured that the increased "stuff" in my underwear was just the normal thing for a 3rd trimester symptom. I have been working on comps for work and they were due at the end of the day. As I worked, my cramps increased a little and started to move to my back and down my legs. Around 2pm I thought, let me call my doctor so I don't have to talk to an on call doctor over the weekend. I put the call in and they said "go to labor and delivery to get checked out". I argued with them because I had work to do and I would rather get checked out by the doctor. They only laughed at me and told me to get moving.
I decided a shower would help. I took a hot shower to see if these mild cramps would go away. Nothing. ok ok ok...I'll go. I sat down and sent work implicit instructions about what I have done so far, why I cant finish, and how they can continue on. I also gave a full run down of all my projects just in case because I was starting to get a bad feeling. I called my mom and Todd's mom just to let them know that I was going. I wrote to Todd saying that I was just going for a check up. I didn't want to alarm anyone but I wanted them to know where I was going. I got in the car and drove myself to the hospital.
When I got to L&D, I gave them my half filled out preregistration forms. I have nothing really ready for a baby, mind you. No I don't have a pediatrician yet. No I did not write out my living will yet. Fine...hook me up to the contraction machine but I am telling you my stomach is just stretching. The nurse looked at me and said "So who is your doctor"? I asked what the problem was and she said that I was having contractions every 5 mins. I was not feeling contractions, just cramps. What the hell?
And the rush started. I called Todd and said "maybe you should leave now and come here". They weren’t telling me what was going on but I knew it wasn’t just my stomach stretching. An on call doctor came in quickly and did an internal. Her face dropped when she found me at 2cm and 60% effaced. She told me I was in labor. So, I called Todd again...frantically...."you better fucking hurry up". Instantly, they started drawing blood and inserting an IV in to my left wrist while an ultra sound team took measurements of my baby. I was in mild pain from the needle in my wrist while the doctor made a huge fuss out of how big my kid is. I mean she was so obnoxious about it that I just wanted to punch her in the face. Madison is a whopping 5.6 pounds at 33 weeks. The doctor was bracing me for a delivery but was going on and on about her weight. I figured it was a good size if she had to be delivered so early. Ugh... She suggested that I get started on a magnesium drip to stop the contractions so they can give me steroids. The steroids needed only 48 hours to help advance the baby’s lungs. The doctor also mentioned that a premature baby has a risk of cerebral palsy. I swear, every minute with out Todd was the longest minute ever. I called him again, this time in tears to find out he was just walking in at that moment. The doctors started asking me about how I would want to deliver if it was to happen soon. Todd and I have done all of this prep work for a natural birth. They asked me if I would want an epidural. I was like... seriously, I want every drug you have right now to calm me down. I was in no mental state to deliver at that moment. I had no washing machine, I haven't written out my thank yous, I didn't even pack a bag, I have no premature outfits! WTF!!!!!
Todd came in and it was an instant calm. I love that he has that effect on me. They moved me in to a delivery room where I stayed for 3 days. My on call doctor came in 2 hours later (because my doctor was on vacation) and she did an internal. My contractions were now 3 mins apart. I guess from all of the stress. She had this look of death on her face and said....ok.... our goal is to wait for the steroids to kick in. Our goal is to wait until Sunday. I asked what the problem was and she told me I was 4 cm and 90% effaced. The doctor ordered to put a catheter in me and drew the line there. NO WAY! We compromised with a bed pan. UGH. Wretched! She asked the NICU to come in and explain to us what they do with premature deliveries. I felt much better after they briefed Todd and I for an early delivery. They even gave Todd a tour of the NICU and he took some pictures for me. I was ready to let go and let this kid come out.
I was warned that the magnesium would make me very sick. Flu like symptoms. Bring it on. Lets keep this baby in is all I thought. It was about midnight when I told Todd to go home and start attending to the massive list I had for him. Pack the bag, get the car seat in, let the guys in to hook up the new washer and dryer, pay the people who are staining the deck. I couldn't believe how much stuff needed to get done. He did it all and came back the next day with a packed bag, a packed cooler, and the laptop. I am so lucky to have someone as wonderful as him. Finally I prepared myself. We are leaving the hospital with a baby and it's going to be soooo ok.

I made it to sunday and they stopped the magnesium. I was able to go pee pee on the potty! YAY. Sunday was fun. Mom, Len and Gail came to visit. Mom always visits with treats and they were yummy! Of course I was uncomfortable since I had compression pads around my legs that would blow up every 5 minutes. I had a blood pressure cuff on my right arm that would go off every 15 minutes. I had a hep lock and IV in my left wrist. And I also had two monitors strapped around my belly. I wasn’t exactly looking glamorous for my guests. I was lucky enough to have had a sponge bath that morning. After everyone left, my contractions instantly kicked up fast and furious. They did an internal and there was no increase in dilation. The on call doctor suggested I start a new medication to keep the contractions down since I instantly started contracting. I didn't feel good with that. But Todd and I thought maybe it was for the best. Finally my doctor came at night. He explained to me that my body is going to do what it wants and if it is time to give birth, he would rather my body be strong for it. No more medication. Todd and I were thrilled and agreed instantly.
I was given an allergy pill that night to help subside some chest pains I was having. That night, Todd and I had quiet time, so we turned the lights out, set up the lap top, and watched some UFC fights. Todd and I shared the bed and it was actually as fun as it could be. The nurses and doctors were impressed with our amazing set up!

On Monday I was allowed to shower. Yay! Later that day my doctor gave me the choice of staying in the hospital or going home to strict bed rest. I chose to go home. Todd prepared the house with a water proof mattress, clean linens and nice bed table for my lap top. So here we are....wondering when and if she will come.
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