I was pretty convinced that it wasn’t going to happen for us this month since I felt like my period was starting. After a rough day at work, Nicole, Jacqui, and I walked over to spring street Natural for a glass of wine. We were in full jibba jabba mode when our wine arrived. The first sip tasted like swill. Metal swill! I took a few more sips and it was just not happening. I asked for a different glass. As we were talking, I started sweating. A full flush! When I got my new glass of wine, it tasted the same. Terrible. I started to sweat more when Jacqui asked what was going on. Her exact words were “you didn’t even sweat during the marathon”. It clicked! Jacqui was right. I threw some money down, kissed the girls and jumped on the next 6 train.
When Todd picked me up at the station I had to beg him to take me to CVS. He knew exactly why I wanted to go. He told me I was wasting my money and if I was pregnant, I would know. I promised him I would buy the cheap ones. I got CVS brand 3 for $14. What a bargain!!! When we got home, I rushed in to the bathroom and pulled out a test. He wondered if the test would work with wine on my breath. Har har har. I refused to look at the test until the 3 minutes were up. When I looked, there was something. Not a line.....just something. The box said, if there is anything it’s positive. But it was soooo hard to see. I ran out in to the hallway with the stick to find Todd.
Here is the conversation:
Dina: Omg.....We are pregnant. Look at this...does this mean we are pregnant?
(Frantically waving the stick in Todd’s face)
Todd: Does that have urine on it?
Dina: Yes! But it’s covered. Can you look at this????
(We walked in to the bathroom together with the stick on the counter).
Todd: It looks like something....Congratulations.
Dina: That’s it? It’s really blurry, I bet if I bought an expensive test, it would be more clear!!!
(Todd grabbed the directions and sat on the toilette.)
Todd: Yeah, it says if there is anything then you are pregnant!
Todd: Congratulations! (with a kiss) Can we eat dinner now? I’m starving!
Dina: You can eat?!?!?! Give me the phone!
I called my mom instantly. What perfect timing too since she was in Florida with my sister. I couldn’t wait to tell the entire world. But what if this stupid cheapo test was wrong? Telling the parents cant hurt, I thought. Everyone was excited. I was beaming! I figured if I took a test in the morning with more hormone filled urine, I would get a better and stronger positive.
At 2 am my eye’s opened up. I couldn't wait anymore. So, I took another test. Here is the picture. The line looks more prominent than the last...but you are probably asking yourself “what line?”

ok...so I took the last test at 7am. I just needed to sure. However, this time my period came. I called the doctor right away for a blood test.
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