I went down to talk to him but I just couldn't do it. I got so shy and ran up stairs with a hot flash. Finally I realized I was being ridiculous. I forced my coworkers to go downstairs to smoke so I could go with them. We saw Dana's body guards and TMZ waiting for him to finish lunch in the restaurant. So we waited....
My coworker, Andy, asked the body guard if he could get a picture of me and Dana together. He told us that Dana LOVES to take pictures with fans....ladies (even if they are preggo)! When Dana came out, I got all excited and nervous again. He came over to me to shake my hand and take a picture. He asked me if I "lived here". I thought: Does he mean in this building? This neighborhood? This city? Who cares? I said YES!
When we took this picture, we had funny faces because on the count of three I said "Omg! Dana White is touching me!!!"
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